Faith Formation 

is a lifelong pursuit. You began at baptism and end when you leave this world to be with Christ in heaven. The staff and parish members of St. Theresa the Little Flower want to support your family in all stages of your life. As the Director of Faith Formation, my job is to support you the parents in the faith education of your child. You are the primary faith educators of your child. The Catechists and I are here to walk beside your family and help you grow in the knowledge and love of Christ. 

  • 1. Provide encounters with the living God and help families to form and grow in their relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

    2. Faithfully teach the doctrine of our faith as provided to us in the Catechism and Sacred Scripture.

    3. Effectively communicate the faith using age and developmentally appropriate Pedagogical models.

    4. Utilize the technological tools given to us build community and evangelize.

  • 1. All families participating in the faith formation program must be active, registered members of our parish. An active member is defined as one who attends Mass weekly, contributes to the financial needs of the parish and participates in the ministries of the parish.

    2. All children of the parish need to attend the grade appropriate faith formation class on a weekly basis each year. Attending only during Sacramental preparation years is not actively participating in the faith or the parish.

    3. All families are strongly encouraged to enroll their children in the weekly faith formation classes. If you don’t wish to participate you must submit a request to our parish priest asking for permission to teach them at home. Once approved you can contact our Faith Formation Director to receive the curriculum. If you want to use a different curriculum, you will need to submit your curriculum for approval. You will be required to provide this letter on a yearly basis.

    4. Students attending a Catholic school will not be required to attend regular classes during their Sacramental preparation years. The office needs to be informed of the name of their Catholic school.

    5. All children participating in the faith formation program must attend class weekly, participate in parish life through regular Mass attendance, receiving Reconciliation as often as possible, and participate in service projects.

  • 1. You are expected to get your children to class on time and pick them up on time. We begin class promptly at 9:15 and all students will be in the hall by 10:35am. Tardiness, early dismissal, and late pickup should be the exception not the rule.

    2. Attendance in class is required. If your child misses more than two classes in a row expect a follow up from their Catechist or Nancy Kuffel. If you know your child will not be able to attend regularly due to your schedule or family issues please talk to me and see what we can work out.

    3. You need to notify the Director of Religious Education if your child will be absent at Please make sure you do this before not after the absence.

  • 1. All students are expected to treat their Catechists and classmates with respect and dignity.

    2. Students are expected to take care of all materials and supplies provided to them, as well as the classroom.

    3. Any child who cannot behave appropriately the first time will be spoken with during and after class to explain themselves and apologize. The parent will be notified in person or by email of their child’s misbehavior and expectations for future classes. If the behavior continues beyond two class meetings, a parent will be required to sit in class with their child or remove them from the program.

    4. Physical or verbal abuse of any kind will not be tolerated.

    5. Cell phones or any other electronic devices should not be used in class unless the Catechist has given the students permission. If your child has their devices out they will be confiscated and returned after class. If this violation continues a parent will be required to come to class to retrieve the device.

  • 1. First Communion and Reconciliation- Children preparing for this sacrament celebrated in the second grade. Parents and students are required to attend any special events pertaining to Sacramental Preparation and complete all necessary assignments or projects. If your child has not received First Communion and First Reconciliation and is beyond the second grade, please contact the Director of Religious Education.

    2. Confirmation- We celebrate this Sacrament in high school -Students wishing to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation must have attended faith formation in the year prior to Confirmation and be in high school. For most that means they need to have attended (meaning they followed the requirements for attendance) the eighth grade faith formation class. For students who are in the ninth grade and beyond who have not attended faith formation the previous year, they will need to participate in our youth group for the upcoming year and will then be enrolled in Confirmation the following year.

    3. Catholic school students: You are not required to attend our faith formation program during this year.

    4. Homeschooled children: We realize you are the primary educators of your children and we support you as the primary faith educators of your children. However, we don’t offer a homeschool faith formation curriculum. Your child will not be required to participate in their age appropriate faith formation class, however before sacraments please set up a meeting with DRE prior to the beginning of classes at the parish.

  • 1. We want to make sure we keep the lines of communication open at all times. We have a church website that has information on our faith formation program, the monthly church calendar, updates on parish events and other pertinent information. Please check our website on a regular basis,

    2. You can email Nancy Kuffel at with any issues or questions.

    3. Please take a moment to join flocknote. This is our parish group texting notification service. Please text LITTLEFLOWER to 84576 to join. Nancy Kuffel will send out communications via texting to alert you when class is not meeting or to notify you of special events throughout the year. This is how most communication goes out, so please register.

    4. Class times and meeting place:

    • K5-8 Sunday mornings 9:15-10:30am with K5-2, 3 in the parish hall, 4-7 in the meeting center and 8 (1st year confirmation) in Office Conference Room.

    • We hope you and your family will find your church home here. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help you and your family in your faith journey.

2023-2024 Faith Formation Schedule

Faith Formation Sunday Curriculum:

First Grade – Third Grade will be using Alive In Christ by Our Sunday Visitor

Second Grade will also be using Encounter With Christ by Our Sunday Visitor for Sacrament Preparation

Fourth – Fifth Grade will be using St. Joseph’s Baltimore Catechism (Year 1)

Sixth – Seventh Grade will be using St. Joseph’s Baltimore Catechism (Year 2)

Eighth Grade – First Year Confirmation Class will be using Chosen from Ascension Press